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Increase Your Daughters Training Experience for the BETTER!

Writer's picture: Kally VKally V

Does your daughter need to have more understanding in her training as to what goals she is setting and succeeding at during each of her private sessions?

What about when she is throwing bullpens at practice?

**Be sure to check out the KVS reminders below

If you haven't heard about this tool to increase your daughters training experiences as a pitcher, hitter, catcher etc. PLUS, there are some for Coaches too, be sure to check out my latest podcast episode on what can have a positive impact on your daughters training and the funny story of how my husband Coach V. was one of the first to bring this tool to one of his baseball teams years ago!

For over two years now and counting I have been partnered with Joe Moroney; former D1 Baseball Player at Kansas University and the creator and owner of Always Grind.

Some of my pitchers have their very own Pitchers Notebook from Always Grind!

My dear friend former Professional Softball Player Ashley Burkhardt now Ashley Egel;

hitting instructor and creator and owner of Ashleybtraining

is also a partner with Always Grind and offers them to her athletes.

Be sure to LIKE FOLLOW and SHARE both Ashleys podcast and mine.

We would both appreciate it!

With that being said I hope you listen to S4 E78 to learn more about one of my favorite tools for ANY athlete especially my KVS Pitchers to train mentally, emotional and physically with by sharing with you my discount code to use at checkout to purchase one of these notebooks specifically designed to increase your daughter's ability of reaching her success by creating her process to HER success!

(side note) COACH you can purchase your entire team a notebook with my code with your team order!

Just click on this button below to purchase yours today!


After that the Price will go up.

DON'T MISS OUT, Spots are Limited!


That's right KVS Coming to Palm Springs for you the Coach, the Parent and the Athlete!


Want to train with Coach Kally V?

🔴How can your daughter train with KVS?👇👇👇

👉LIMITED TIME Exclusive LIVE 6-week Summer Online Training (open enrollment now)

👉Evaluation Course 1:1 training

👉Intensive 1:1 Training

👉Small group training

👉Online Training

👉AND KVS Comes to your facility…For the Ultimate KVS Pitching Workshop Experience! 🙌Next Stop Palm Springs!!! June 1, 2024, at the Desert Sluggers Facility

👀🙌As you can see there are several ways so let get started today to see which one will best fit your daughter!!


Looking forward to talking with you about how KVS can help your daughter as a pitcher, mentally, emotionally and physically...One Pitch at a Time!

Sincerely, Coach Kally V.

CEO Kally V. Softball

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