Crazy to think that the year is almost over! I don't know what's crazier, to think that or that some of you reading this might have more than 50% of your Christmas shopping over!
Not me, lol!
A couple quick things with KVS!
8 to be exact!

1. My Online Beginners Course is still on sale until the end of the month + 30 days FREE of the KVS Gold Membership with purchase and the opportunity to have a virtual call with me!
USE DISCOUNT CODE: BLACKFRIDAY23 to get over 50% off this VALUE packed course!

2. I have Evaluation Spots open, Small Group Training Spots open and One on One training spots open! It all starts by booking your FREE Game Plan Call! (this is a zoom call)

3. I'm so excited to ANNOUNCE a NEW membership added to KVS Memberships and this one is for you COACH!
What if I told you aren't alone as a coach?
What if I told you that you are as strong as the people you surround yourself with?
Well in this membership, I'm not just offering a culture of community but a place where you as a coach, instructors feel supported!
It is called Coordinated Coaching Membership, and I am offering it for $7.00 a month for an introductory rate! I am so excited to be in a place to offer this virtual space where coaches can get together, share experiences, grow and most of all share with you my fellow coach's physical parts of this calling that can help you be the best version of you! PLUS offer mental and emotional support with tools to help you process more than the X's and the O's.
This is a project that has been near and dear to my heart as a Coach for several years, so to be in a position to offer it...well it feels AMAZING!
Working alongside amazing coaches over more than 25 years, playing for some amazing coaches and seeing great coaches torn apart by the coaching, parent community with the physical, mental and emotional demands of this calling hasn't been easy to witness but I know there is light in our dark moments...after all you can't have a shadow without light!
So, if you are a coach at ANY level of your career this is a safe space for you to connect, share, grow and most of all learn how to get better through your process!
Be sure to register, you don't want to miss out on this! Plus, you have access to pitching help too plus more!
There is nothing out there like it! Just click this box below!

4. The KVS POP-UP PITCHING CLINIC for December is next Saturday on December 2, 2023!
Last one for the year! Be sure to subscribe to Kally V. Softball so you don't miss the new YEAR schedule coming out!
5. KVS is NOW offering 2-hour INTENSIVE TRAINING Sessions!
In order to Register for this, book your FREE Game Plan Call to get it set up!

This is Lexy and she came all
the way from El Paso TX
to train with me!
That's a 6-hour drive!
It was AWESOME and I can't wait to work with her again!
5. If your daughter is a current KVS Athlete, in person or online our next PITCHERS Community Call is Sunday December 17th. More details to come!

6. KVS will be LIVE out in Kentucky the week of December 5th through the 9th, alongside some of my favorite PEOPLE in my coaching community from all over the United States and the Game Changers in my own softball journey at the National Fastpitch Coaches Association Annual Convention! This year the NFCA is celebrating 40 years! During this week I will not be running lessons but will be available for video feed-back, questions that you may have if any and as always supporting you as the parent and your daughter!
7. Be sure to Subscribe or Follow The Kally V. Podcast: Owning Your Opportunity
This week Part 2 interview with Coach Duke Baxter is dropping!

8. There is KVS Swag in stock for Christmas. Please reach out to me about sizing and YES I will ship it! PLUS KVS in the Spring of 2024, kallyvsfotball.com is launching more Swag PLUS MORE available for purchase through the website!
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me here!
In closing, I just want to say THANK YOU for being a part of the KVS BIG PICTURE! Without you, I wouldn't be in a place to even send weekly newsletters sharing up and coming news, programs and podcasts episodes that will add value to the Softball World, One Pitch at a Time!
And as always THANK YOU for choosing me to be a part of your daughters Softball Journey!

Have a GREAT week!
-Coach Kally V.